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Tantrik Buddhism

Buddhism in the Eastern Himalayan sector has a special significance. Tibetan Tantric Buddhism has been introduced by Guru Padmasambhaba more than 400 years ago. The mystic Monasteries, belonging to the different sects & sub-sects of Mahayana Buddhism dominate the whole of Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayas.

Buddhism in the Eastern Himalayan sector has a special significance. Tibetan Tantric Buddhism has been introduced by Guru Padmasambhaba more than 400 years ago. The mystic Monasteries, belonging to the different sects & sub-sects of Mahayana Buddhism dominate the whole of Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayas. There are numbers of Buddhist Monasteries in this region of which 20 are very important. Each one has its own fascinating history, generates tremendous interest among the visitors, be it the architectural feature or the spiritual message embedded in them. The Tantric factor has added to the legends and to the beliefs of Lamaism (Tantric Buddhism). The Lamas here are believed to have the power of flying from one place to another. The colors add to mystery and so do the mask dances. Discover the culture, where only peace prevails making this the Abode of the Gods. Our specially designed monastery tours gives you an opportunity to know the every details accepts of the Tantric Buddhism & the Tibetan culture of the Eastern Himalayas while exploring the monasteries of the region.


"Tantra activates many powerful subtle energies in our body and mind and, if we do not have any mental training or discipline, this excess energy will take the path of least resistance through our negative emotions of attachment, jealousy, pride, egotism, and so on" Lama Ganchen


"Pure intellect, indeed, detached from soul, is the death of Man. Intellect, self-confident and isolated in arrogant complacency, does not ennoble Man. It humiliates him, deprives him of his personality. It kills that loving participation in the life of things and creatures of which the soul, with its emotions and intuitions, is capable. Intellect, by itself alone, is dead and also deadly - a principle of disintegration."

From Giuseppe Tucci's "The Theory and Practice of the Mandala" - RiderWhy are Buddhists so secretive of tantra? Tantric practice is a highly advanced form of psycho-physical exercises in order to achieve transformation of one's body and mind quickly into the perfected state of a Buddha. Simply said, these methods are not without danger when used without the proper guidance and precautions. To avoid people getting involved in these practices without proper guidance, the practices are kept secret for people without explicit permission to practice from a qualified teacher. Often, teachers require disciples to do extensive practices before being allowed any permission; more about that is written in below paragraphs on prerequisites and preliminaries. So please keep in mind that the secrecy around tantra is basically for safety, just like it is proper to lock a gun away from the reach of children.

Whatever is included on these web pages about tantra is general knowledge which is allowed for uninitiated to read, and is intended to at least take away some misunderstandings about tantric practices.

MOTIVATION FOR PRACTICE : To clarify where tantric practices fit in the Buddhist system, it may be useful to explain a bit more about the various motivations or scopes. Traditionally, only the "small, middle and high scope" are taught to distinguish the various motivations for practising. Here, I would like to present a somewhat unconventional approach, Starting even below spiritual practice:

A teaching from "Being Peace" by Thitch Nhat Hahn : "A woman who practices reciting Buddha Amitabha's name, is very tough and recites "NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA" three times daily. Although she is doing this practice for over 10 years, she is still quite mean, shouting at people all the time. She starts her practice lighting incense and hitting a little bell.

A friend wanted to teach her a lesson, and just as she began her recitation, he came to her door and called out: "miss Nuyen, miss Nuyen!".

As this was the time for her practice she got annoyed, but she said to herself: "I have to struggle against my anger, so I will just ignore it." And she continued: "NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA, NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA..."

But the man continued to shout her name, and she became more and more oppressive. She struggled against it and wondered if she should stop the recitation to give the man a piece of her mind, but she continued reciting: "NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA, NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA..."

The man outside heard it and continued: "Miss Nuyen, miss Nuyen..." Then she could not stand it anymore, jumped up, slammed the door and went to the gate and shouted: "Why do you have to behave like that? I am doing my practice and you keep on shouting my name over and over!"

The gentleman smiled at her and said: "I just called your name for ten minutes and you are so angry. You have been calling Amitabha Buddha's name for more then ten years now; just imagine how angry he must be by now!"

PREREQUISITES : The following aspects are considered prerequisites before a disciple can engage in tantric practice:

The only proper motivation to practice tantra is bodhicitta, or the wish to become fully enlightened in order to help all sentient beings. This is the reason why at least an understanding of bodhicitta is essential prior to engaging in tantric practice. To enforce this motivation, usually, an extra prerequisite is taking either the Aspirational Vows or the full Bodhisattva Vows.

Next, at least some understanding of the philosophy of emptiness is essential for tantric practice, as this is the basic mental state in which tantric practice becomes more than just ritual or strange practice of imagination.

Ideally, a tantric practitioner should have full realisations of bodhicitta and emptiness instead of merely a conceptual understanding. In that case, tantric practice can guide one very swiftly to the state of Buddhahood.

PRELIMINARY PRACTICES : Many teachers (depending on the specific school) require one to engage in the so-called preliminary practices before giving initiation to disciples.

These preliminary practices traditionally consist of:

Depending on the teacher and the disciple, other practices are sometimes given:

Not only are these excellent methods to accumulate the necessary positive energy (karma) to have success in the practice, but they also help in the purification of obstacles to the practice.

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